Turns out there’s a lot of calories in a pint.
Giving up alcohol for a month can reveal an awful lot about the effect booze has on your life. From getting a better night’s sleep to finding extra motivation during the day, cutting out alcohol brings with it a Macmillan Cancer Support’s Go Sober For October campaign (SMART Recovery Fundraiser in the U.S. to support the mental health of people in recovery), you might be losing weight too.
That’s because alcohol contains calories – a whole load of them. According to the Drinkaware units and calorie calculator, one pint of 4% beer contains 182 calories, and a 175ml glass of wine has 159. Fans of spirits don’t get off lightly either – one 25ml shot of a 40% spirit contains 61 calories and that’s before you count the mixer.
It can be easy to ignore numbers on a webpage, however, so Macmillan Cancer Support enlisted personal trainer Georgie Okell to create a workout that would burn the calories contained in a single pint of lager (the amount of calories you burn may vary, obviously).
You might think one pint’s worth of calories can’t be that hard to shift. You’d be wrong. This workout might only last ten minutes, but it’s hard as heck. Do it once, then carry that memory with you to the pub. The next time you’re weighing up whether to have one more for the road or not – it might help you decide.
One Pint Workout
The workout involves a circuit of six different exercises. Do each move for 30sec, then move straight on to the next one. Once you’ve done all six, take a 30sec break, then do the circuit again. Do three rounds in total, which will take ten minutes.
1. High knees
- Throw your hands in the air and run on the spot, lifting your knees up towards your chest as high as you can.
2. Jump squat
- Drop down into a squat, with your thighs parallel to the ground, then explode up into the air and raise your hands above your head.
- Land softly and repeat.
3. Mountain climber
- Get into a press-up position.
- Drive one knee up towards your chest then, as you return it to the starting position, bring the other knee up.
- Keep the pace high as you alternate legs for 30sec.
4. Bicycle crunch
- Lie on the ground with your legs raised slightly off the ground and your hands placed lightly on the side off your head.
- Raise one knee towards your chest, twisting your torso as you do so the opposite elbow moves towards the knee.
- Then repeat the movement with the opposite limbs.
- Keep alternating sides for 30sec.
5. Plank jack
- Get into a plank position then jump your feet out to either side in the manner of a jumping jack.
- Jump them back to the centre and repeat.
6. Burpee
- The big finish. From a standing start, drop down and kick your legs out behind you into a press-up position.
- Do a press-up, then jump your feet back up towards your chest, stand up, and jump off the ground. Repeat.
Written by Nick Harris-Fry for Coach and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to legal@getmatcha.com.
Featured image provided by Coach
Reduce Alcohol Cravings with Protein!
Did you know that whey isolate protein can help keep alcohol cravings at bay? Whey isolate protein is an all-rounder, and not just for post-workout recovery!
Alcohol can take a toll on organs like the liver, intestines, kidneys, and pancreas. Because alcohol is toxic, it can leave us malnourished, unable to properly absorb nutrients, and affect our food choices.
Good quality whey isolate protein can help kick-start the healing process for damaged organs. It contains all the essential amino acids, including cysteine – an amino acid suggested to help your body rid itself of toxins.
Your brain uses amino acids, the building blocks of protein, to make neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. When your brain has a proper amount of neurotransmitters like dopamine, it can help reduce your dopamine-related cravings for alcohol.
In addition, quality protein can help you feel full and satisfied for longer, which can help control blood sugar levels and reduce your cravings for sugar (a major component of alcohol).
Not all whey isolate protein is created equally – and it’s important to make sure you’re fueling your body with premium quality protein such as MariGold Grass-Fed Whey Isolate Protein Powder!
MariGold Whey Isolate Protein is 100% pure, clean, premium quality protein and only contains the good stuff your body wants and needs. It is derived from sweet Irish milk given from Truly Grass-Fed™ cows who spend 95% of their time roaming freely and feasting upon the delicious green grasses of the Irish countryside.
MariGold Whey Isolate Protein Powder is also cold-processed and micro-filtered, which helps retain the natural immune-boosting nutrients, antioxidants, amino acids, and minerals to help keep your body strong.
It comes in FIVE delicious flavors like Rich Chocolate Malt, Peanut Butter, and Creamy Vanilla, as well as Unflavored for those who prefer a neutral flavor for adding to smoothies, shakes, and meals.
Our flavored Whey Isolate Protein contains L-Glutamine for immune support, increased recovery, and supporting a healthy gut. When you have a healthy gut, you’re able to better absorb the nutrients that your body needs to thrive.
We also include non-GMO Sunflower Lecithin for promoting a healthy brain and sharper memory.
Protein is an essential source of long-lasting energy that helps function throughout the day. Your body needs protein in order to stay healthy, work properly, and improve your overall quality of life.